Monday, September 19, 2011


Last night when we got home, we went out to the coop and closed the chickens in and checked on them.
Only ten chickens were in the coop! Poppy, the chicken who always flew out, was missing! We grabbed our flashlights and looked in all the trees, thinking she would be roosting somewhere. This morning we hoped she would be happily clucking around the yard, but she was nowhere to be seen. We looked and looked for Poppy. Later we found lots of feathers scattered around the yard. We think Poppy was eaten by either an owl, a fox, or a hawk. We are very sad. :(


  1. So sorry to hear about Poppy.

  2. Sorry to hear this! Are you going to put chicken wire or something over the top of the pen? Poor Poppy...

  3. Sorry girls! That is super sad!
