Thursday, April 18, 2013

Time for fish?

Welcome to our 50th blog post! Since Tuesday night, we have received five inches of rain. Our pond is filling very quickly. It rose more than four feet in two days! We have made lots of progress on the dock.  It has all of the railings on and deck boards screwed down. We are predicting that by the end of the week the pond will be full. Only eight more inches!

Our marsh is pouring into the pond like crazy!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy April!

Two cool chicks :)
Happy birthday, chicks! Today the chicks are one month old and they are already living in the coop. This past weekend, we worked to partition off part of the chicken coop. They were getting too crowded in the brooder.
Their new area is almost double the size!
Natalie and Izzy snuggle up

The decking is almost done!