Saturday, July 14, 2012

July News

Hoo-wee! July sure has been hot and dry... Nothing is happening with the "pond', but it has been happenin' in the chicken world!
We got our first white egg from one of the pullets! One of the California Whites has been earnin' its feed... :) Her first egg was about an inch and a half tall and an inch wide. Here it is!

But that's not all! We have been working the days away on our shade garden. We had lots of hostas scattered around the farm so we transplanted them into the garden. We figured we could make it look a little nicer by adding some mulch, stepping stones and river rock (about 500, all hand-picked!). It is truly a masterpiece!

Last but not least, we got a new hammock chair from South America! Our friend, Gay, gave us a hammock that her daughter had brought home from a trip. She had it hanging in her stairwell for years, since she didn't have a place for it.  Thanks, Gay!